Sabtu, 17 Juli 2021

Hello buddies! how miss I am to write this conditional type for you even though it's only for fulfill my assignment as a college student ahahahaha. It's only joking, right?.

Ok, I'll tell you first.That afternoon a virtual classroom began. It was attended by dozens of participants from TBI 1 and TBI 2 classes, guided by a lecturer who was very skilled in his field. He gave directions on what creative writing is, especially in the section on poetry. To open it, the moderator asked the resource person, what is meant by creative writing?

Creative writing actually doesn't have a specific definition, that's what Mam Rahma said. However, one thing is for sure, all writing requires creativity, whatever it is in the form of writing. In short, creative writing techniques are practiced to make the reader not bored with the writing presented. Because creative writing is made using several techniques that make writing possible. Starting from the plot, emotional development, to the background story that makes writing come alive.

When writing a creative essay, the elements used to build it are not much different from when writing other writings, such as scientific articles or journalism reports. We often hear these elements from Indonesian classes or writing mentors, namely 5W and 1H or what, when, where, who, why, and how.

If we elaborate further, the what element can be interpreted as a story plot built in an article. When an element can be defined by the chronology of a story. Where elements can we describe with the background of the story or the location of the incident from the topic that we raise. The who element is of course the subject or character that appears in the story. We can describe him completely and completely, from his name, character to his hobbies. The why an element is the motive of the story we write, while the how an element can be interpreted literally, namely how. How does the story or plot that we build happen?

There is one interesting sentence conveyed by Mam Rahma about writing. According to him, writing is like building a world in the reader's head, for that it takes creativity and a clear path. This development can be done through various elements that have been discussed above. In addition, the world is also built with narrative and descriptive sentences. Both will work together to explain and visualize the story to the reader.

According to Mam Rahma, we will not remember in detail what is written in the book we read, but we can describe it. For this reason, visualization of a story is important, especially in creative writing practice. Because through visualization, the message we want to write can arrive well and the world we will build can be intact. that's all for today. C U, Buddies ;)

 Additional Essay. Yeay! hope you keep enjoy till this step :) Hy, you have to know this one. Don't worry about being creative in writin...