Reflective Essay (1)
Hello buddies! How are you? Are you fine there? I hope you fine
and do your activities well.
Allow me please to introduce myself first J
My name is Arinda Salsabilla. One of college
student in State Islamic University of North Sumatera. I was taking English
education department. Through this blog, I would like to present my writing
especially about class with reflective essay by my beloved lecturer, Mam Rahmah
Fithriani. She is one of best lecturer that I have known who has principle for
every moments and also activities those she has even though many classes she
manages. Actually, I was being her secret admirer for times with what she did
with struggle passes. As I knew that she did till reached everything such as
high education she has which got through scholarship. It sounds amazing for me.
For the first time the leader of the class,
Saudin Hamdani Matondang created the group which we will use for sharing
information such as schedules, knowledge, rules of the class on 3 April 2021.
We consist of 39 participants, there are:
1. Saudin Hamdani Matondang
2. Nabila Ananda
3. Siti Zahra
4. Yeni Emiliani
5. Dita Khairunnisa
6. Annisa Fitri
7. Nurainun
8. Nita Amalia
9. Salsabilla Utami
10. Rodina Rizky Nasution
11. Anbar Khalisah
12. Husaini Luthfiah Erdan
13. Rizki Ananda Putri
14. Naina Sumita
15. Silvi Darlely
16. Syarifah Aini Pne
17. Mela Ramadini
18. Rohima Sri Wahyuni
19. Maisyaroh Tanjung
20. Nur Hasanah
21. Maujalo Harahap
22. Tara Pratiwi
23. Affan Zaky Siregar
24. Hani Umaina Siregar
25. Ummu Azizah
26. Tiwi Sartika
27. Prasty Ulfa Yolanda
28. Muhammad Hadi’id Alifti
29. Fahira Herlambang
30. Nabila Herlambang
31. Nabila Azmi
32. Syafitri
33. Ade Novira Aswani
34. Raju Mahendra
35. Puan Salwa
36. Khairun Nisa’
37. Fauza Nala Farhain
38. Risti Khairani Harahap
39. Arinda Salsabilla.
For the first meeting,
Mam Rahma as the leader of this class namely creative writing made schedule for
us to prepare ourselves by doing many assignment below:
1. Join the Google classroom
2. Create a Google Scholar account and
submit the link to the designated folder in Google Classroom that made.
3. Create the blogger account and then
submit the link to the designated folder in Google Classroom.
4. We have to do those assignments
before 12 April 2021.
Google Classroom
(Image 1.1)
Google Scholar (Image 1.2)
Blogger (Image
It is our first meeting. Actually,
we confused what is Google Classroom? What is Google Scholar? What is Blogger
application? But we have to know, we have to look for those application which
will use in this semester as lecturer asked. When the lecturer asks us for
doing the assignment. We did it well. But, we confused what should we do after.
So, the leader of the class gives
the question to make it clear. The question have given is” Excuse me, Ma’am”. I
need to ask about our learning activity today. So today’s meeting, we only
complete the instructions that you have given. Does it mean we don’t have
meeting lecture today Ma’am? I mean prepare ourselves for next week meeting by
completing those instructions, Ma’am?” Saudin asked. “Yes, we will have our
first Zoom meeting next week” Ma’am answered.
Ok, I think only this one that I can present for you as writer to fulfill my reflective essay for first meeting. Nice to meet you, happy fasting everyone! :)